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Gratitude in the Classroom: 5 Reasons I'm Thankful to Be a Teacher
During this time of year, as the days get shorter and the weather turns colder, I begin thinking about all the reasons that I have to be thankful. I think about my family, my friends and even the opportunities I have been able to have this year.
‘Be nice.’ Program Aims to Help Boost Student Mental Health
In my 12 years of teaching high school mathematics, I have taught in three different school districts, leaned into three different communities, taught over 1,800 students and partnered with so many amazing parents. In this time, one thing has become very evident – our students benefit by being seen as the whole student.
3 Tips to Help Make Grading Easier
In this month’s vlog, Michigan Teacher of the Year Kelley Cusmano explains tips and strategies that can help secondary teachers with their efficiency in grading.
Rekindle the Love of Reading for Secondary Students
When working to build and celebrate the readers in your classroom, there are two key components to being successful: time and choice
Building a Thinking Classroom with Data Science
In a world increasingly driven by data, one of the most critical skills we can teach our students is how to interpret and analyze data.
3 New Year’s Affirmations for Teachers
Instead of a New Year’s resolution, it may be more beneficial to think of a powerful, goal-oriented word that we can use to ground ourselves as the school year continues on.
Work Avoidance and Refusal in the Middle School Classroom
When a child is communicating that they can’t or won’t do their work, you are often up against something deeper than work ethic. Here are some ways to help them.
4 Ways to Increase Student Leadership Programs in Your School
One of the topics I am most passionate about is the importance of student leadership programs.